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I need to get all this out as fast as possible; I haven't updated much since Spring Break ended but I've been thinking about this honest, I just haven't figured to post anything.

My new screenwriting class has me writing in a completely different notebook, halting the progress I had with another notebook, which sucks because I was very close to filling it completely up with just my outside writing, which is a feat for me. Plus, with this notebook/journal we have to keep I'm more likely to write something in there than I am on here. An example of that would be the one I wrote on the train. Now, none of that stuff is really relevant and only for the moment but oh well...

I am home in Port Huron now, sitting and typing this up at 1am, like so many other things I've written on this computer this late. It's always odd coming back after an extended period away because everything seems different even though it's exactly the same. I know the routine though. I know who and where I need to go in the two days I'll be here. Driving is an experience I'm looking forward to having again, plus I won't have to deal with those crazy Chicago drivers or like I had to deal with Floridian drivers while I was driving my sister's car around the last time I went down there.

So Easter's coming up...that's all on that subject.

I don't know I'm just really excited for this quarter. So far I've been having a blast and can't wait to see what other things await me in the near-future. With Europe coming up quick I realize over and over again how lucky I am as a person to be living the life I am...

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