Fate V Destiny


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"Today is all about communication -- including subtle gestures and body language. Your ability to reach people across all channels is heightened, so you may want to make a game out of it."
-My horoscope for the day

Yesterday was alright. Lobby Hours was actually kind of fun because I took down all the decorations from Homecoming, except the slot machine and the married couple, because I thought it'd be nice to keep them for a little bit longer, unless someone else takes it down, which is completely fine.

Broadcasting class was okay, I was starving by the end of it.

During class I had gotten a text that said the CFH RA position I've been hoping to get had sent out emails about whether or not they were going to give individual interviews to the person. I worked really hard on the essays and stuff but they decided not to pursue my application any further. I'm not sure what kind of person they were searching for because I heard the same thing from really qualified applicants that they had not been given a chance to interview. Maybe older candidates? Oh well, I guess it's up to the group interviews. Another brick wall to try and bust through.

I didn't do as well as I thought I would on my British History exam, and I didn't think I would do very well. Man, that was just a terrible week for a test. At least the professor thought I can still get a B in the class if I work really hard, which I plan to do. That test was embarrassing.

My horoscope today centered on communication: communication is key. I had already planned as using today to be the day where I would come clean with somebody close, it won't be easy and it won't be expected, but for my sake I have to do it.

The "ability to reach people across all channels," does have some merit to it. This morning before I read my horoscope I volunteered to help a friend I haven't seen in a while take pictures for his portfolio. I'm reaching out to different people with different skill sets but I don't think it's wise to "make a game out of it;" I want to be as in control as possible. But, maybe if "game" refers to the ability it takes to work everything I plan to do into my schedule then it most certainly is a game.

Yesterday I talked about the idea of "everything happens for a reason." I want to clarify for everyone a little more on what I believe.

I do not believe in fate. I believe in destiny. Fate means that every occurrence is predetermined and destiny means there's some wiggle room, but an overall life goal that may or may not be defined. Fate means you don't have to work to get what you want. Destinies sometimes aren't reached. Fate gives you rules to live by while destiny gives you an outline; you know what you want? Then go get it. Destiny will help you, give you aid in the form of a friend who suggests something to do, a stranger saying something on the phone walking by that might spark an idea, or even the weather, enabling you to avoid the harsh winter day by staying inside and just writing. Fate is final. Destiny is pure.

So as an update, I'm still not an RA, I didn't do well on my exam, but I'm staying positive.

Performing Culture was canceled today (YES), but I still have homework, so that will occupy that space, then lunch, English class, and that's pretty much it. A pretty open day after 5, unless something comes up, or I choose to start on my big assignments that are due next month, which is probably a really good choice.

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