Good one, Eric


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I was walking to get dinner and I had my headphones in...but I didn't notice there was no music on until I got there; I didn't do this on purpose. My inner monologue was so engaging and rich it lasted me the ten minute walk when I finally realized I had my headphones in.

I needed that walk though...needed that time to reflect on the recent past, present, and future.

I had a performance class this past quarter and we were given some questions we could ask a person we had to perform as in class. I never used these questions because I performed one of my good friends but I figured I'd answer them now for myself, for the readers that care.

What are three of your typical gestures:
I guess when I'm thinking I tilt my head and bite my lip. When I get angry, stressed, or frustrasted my bottom lip purses up. Also, I guess when I'm talking to someone my eyes open wider and I use my hands a lot if I'm having trouble with a concept.

What are your three of your unique vocal qualities:
Of late I feel like I'm developing an accent which stresses the middle of words, I don't know, it's weird and I don't know why I'm getting it. Normally, I feel like I have a pretty traditional MidWest-Michigan accent, which I don't think there really is one. I talk pretty regularly.

How do you feel when a stranger enters into your personal space:
I guess nervous. There's got to be a reason for that person to get so close and if you're just meeting a person or you don't know them at all it's hard to be sure of a motive.

How do you physically respond when you are angry:
Well my fists clench. I get very talkative and ramble. I may curse, a lot. I don't raise my voice very much, I'm not that kind of person. I don't get mad very much but I do boil over at points; I've been pretty good at maintaining a temper ever since middle/high school. My friends know the story of prom-planning hahaha, simply classic.

What things consistently make you smile:
Compliments because I take them to heart. Being on stage and doing theater. I love it so much. Networking. Flirting at any point in a relationship.

When you last cried, what was it about:
I can't remember the last time I cried but it was probably after a movie. Actually, the last time I remember I cried was when i watched the Scrubs series finale on Comedy Central at the beginning of this school year; it was really sad because I love that show and it was really well done. It was awkward though because mid-cry I got a knock on my door from two people who wanted to ask me a question so I had to supress the tears and the embarrassment as much as I could in order to talk to them hahaha. I was really close to tears many times last quarter because I felt so stressed out and didn't know how I could handle it all. I would literally have to fall into bed after a long day and keep myself from breaking down.

Are you uncomfortable being alone:
No, I guess not. I get bored sometimes but I've gotten used to being alone...I would tell you about it, but it might make me cry hahaha.

How do you feel when there is silence:
Amazing. It's something that I miss here in the city. It's never dead silent here like it gets back home. I remember during Winter Break I got home from hanging out with friends and stood out in my back yard staring up at the stars for at least thirty was wonderful...even though it was below zero.

What spiritual activities do you engage in each day? Week? Year:
Not many, unless you count writing as a spiritual activity which I should because it really is something so therapeutic to me, much like a religious person may think praying is therapeutic. I also celebrate spiritual holidays, but don't really involve myself in the spiritual side of them.

What happens after death:
I guess I'll figure that out someday, right? Hopefully not soon. I want to believe there's some life after death. I've grown to like myself and could live with myself for eternity. I want there to be a spirit within me that goes on and continues to learn.

How do you feel about "Christmas":
Good concept but we've lost touch with the meaning. It's a holiday though and I'm all for holiday's.

How do you feel about "Hanukkah":
Mozletov. I've never celebrated it but I like that people are proud of their religion enough to keep celebrating Hanukkah and not let the Christmas freaks get their hopes down.

What was the last book you read that was not assigned for class:
Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. I had never read Kurt Vonnegut and decided it was finally time during my Winter Break and into my second quarter this year.

What course or person most expanded your thinking:
That is an incredibly tough question to answer because I am a product of the people that I've met and interacted with over the years. I've learned and picked up things from people that I've only talked to for a few hours. I guess though one of the driving people in my life was Mr. Dwyer, a teacher I had for every year in high school. He taught me a lot about myself and how a person should be. I owe a lot to him. I owe a lot to all of my teachers, but I guess him especially because we were pretty close.

How do you feel about television:
It's good for what ails you,...

In what activities are you the most creative:
Writing, Theater, pretty much anything I set my mind to I try and do it wholeheartedly, and I'm creative either way so you bring me into something and you get my level of creativity too in any situation. I don't like to start something and leave it unfinished (thanks Dad, I have you to blame for that one haha).

If you had to choose a career in some artistic field, what career would you choose:
Acting in one man shows that I have written for thousands of people and writing a sports column on the side.

What book or poem is particularly meaningful to you:
My Norton Anthology of Poetry, damn is that thing awesome. I also cling to the Alex Rider adventure books I read as a kid because they were always entertaining to read.

When was the last time you did something artistic:
I believe I'm doing some artistic thing by writing this blog :D

What is your favorite clothing for attending class, going out to dinner, and staying at home:
I like jeans and a shirt, long sleeve or short sleeve, for all the above, but I do like to dress up every now and again when something is going on outside of the house.

What are your views on body modifications:
There are extremes. To what level you want to take your body I respect that but I also note that there are social norms and people notice when you bend them including me. I'm not saying they're bad, they just pop out in a crowd, no offense need be taken.

What style of language do you speak at home, with friends, in class:
Natural at home, though I do censor myself to please my family. Informal with friends, whatever comes to mind I don't hold back. In class I push the envelope between informal and formal because I'm that smart-ass who makes a funny comment when nobody answers the question the professor is asking. Oh the stories I have from those experiences.

Well, that's all the questions. Congrats for reading this far! Any follow up questions don't hesitate to ask; any extrapolations you want I will do.

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