New Project: The Death of Something Sweet


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Avid Subscribers, Occasional Readers, and Stumbling Strangers,
It's time to put to rest something that I hoped would go far past its expiration date, but for whatever reason, I succumbed to the pitfalls of using this as a lonely writer's gateway, for those who wanted to see behind that wall I put up, just behind that other wall people have to get through for me to trust them, in. It all got out of control to be honest.

Inevitably, I saw the end coming to this blog a long time ago. As the writer who penned all of its entries I knew it would reach its critical mass at some point, and it definitely has. For a while I had deleted this blog and kept its contents private but as much as I'm ashamed at where this blog ended up, especially there at the end, this was as much a part of me as anything this year, and to delete it off the map is deleting a part of myself and swearing that it never happened.

I am proud of some of the posts I wrote...a lot of my poetry, detailed messages to family members, and personal struggles within the very confines of the words I was using, to figure things out on my own, while I was writing that very blog, are among my most treasured. Though there are the "my life sucks" posts, I can't forget that as a writer and as a person I am still growing and maturing. I deftly contradict any of my ill-supporters who claim that what I was writing was more garbage, creepy, and perverted (rather than beautiful and intense emotional wordplay that it actually was) by saying that if you're going to be a critic of someone's life you better get to know a person first before casting your stones; you don't get me because you don't know me, and you won't by reading a few of my blog posts. Unfortunately, whoever you are (and I think I know), you were the straw that broke this camel's back and forced me to take the kind of action I did.

In the end none of that really matters. My blog will stand the test of time and be public once again, and hey, I might even post a thing or two, but I have moved on, along with a lot of other things. My new project will be revealed whenever I feel that it's ready, which may take up until the day before Christmas; I think those that appreciated my work before will be pleased, those who didn't will find new vitality in what I'm doing, while also attracting those who never knew me and just might like to.

Thank you to my friends who supported me this entire year, as some know this blog was started in early January, while it seems that there are only posts from February, a year of blogging in one spot, I think, is an accomplishment. I saw the rise and fall of my posts and it'll always be here as a reminder of what 2010 was like for me in raw format.

Thank you for your respect,

P.S. Info on my new project will be posted right below this as soon as it becomes available. Very few people are privy to what I'm up to and as the days go by I get more and more excited to share it. But I must wait it out in anticipation. Take care.

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